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Necessary funds for existence (59%)
VarnaLab is funded only by donations and membership fees
This meter shows whether the Lab has the necessary financial resources to operate for the next 12 months.
Currently, monthly expenses are approximately 435€ / $450.
As of now, the information is updated manually and there might be a delay, but in the future we plan to automate it.


What is VarnaLab?

VarnaLab is an independent physical space evolved and used by people having common interests mainly in the IT sector (also in machines, technologies, science and digital/electronic arts) where they can meet, talk and collaborate.

VarnaLab was created on 15th June 2011 and is a part of the hackerspaces network, which (according to their Wiki) contains over 2300 place worldwide. In Bulgaria they are few and could be seen in the Bulgarian hackerpsaces list.


VarnaLab's mission?

VarnaLab's mission is to be an independent physical space for sharing knowledge, ideas, technologies and also help the society with:

  • trainings
  • workshops
  • teaching
  • events
  • games
  • co-working space
  • hacking :P
  • and many others

What VarnaLab is not?

  • VarnaLab is not a company
  • VarnaLab is not a product
  • VarnaLab is not a commercial organization

Can I visit VarnaLab?

Everybody can visit VarnaLab when the space is opened. This is usually after 10:00 AM during the weekdays and (not necessarily) after 11:00 AM during the weekends. Check who is at VarnaLab now just in case (below main menu at the left).

Who administers VarnaLab?

There is no specific person that is doing it. The organization is done by its members. All the decisions are taken after voting in the #polls Slack channel.

What kind of people I can meet in VarnaLab?

  • Geeks
  • Nerds
  • IT professionals
  • Photographers
  • Students
  • Designers
  • Painters
  • Artists
  • Gamers
  • and many others

How can I join VarnaLab and contribute for it's development?

By paying membership fee, donation and/or actively participating in its activities, for example:

  • Organizing events/initiatives
  • Promoting

You can check our Charter (Bulgarian only).

Please contact us using our forum if you have any good ideas.

How can I pay membership fee?

On the Donations page under section “Membership fee”. There you'll find all the necessary information how you can contribute to VaranaLab.

How much is the membership fee?

It solely depends on everybody's own decision - there is no minimum or maximum fee but it is usually between 10 BGN and 50 BGN.

What are the membership fee money spent for?

Our running costs and evolving the organization.

Can I organize an event?

Yes, everyone could organize an event in VarnaLab.

How can I make an event?

en/about.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/05 22:53 by hellmare

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