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Necessary funds for existence (59%)
VarnaLab is funded only by donations and membership fees
This meter shows whether the Lab has the necessary financial resources to operate for the next 12 months.
Currently, monthly expenses are approximately 435€ / $450.
As of now, the information is updated manually and there might be a delay, but in the future we plan to automate it.


Tracking events

You can see the events, published in our calendar below by adding them for tracking into your Google calendar. You can do this by opening VarnaLab Events.

Events calendar

Organizing events

Everybody could host an event at VarnaLab. You need to check for available date in the calendar. If the date is available write us using one of the communication methods listed in Contacts.

More information could be found on this page How to create an event (Bulgarian only)? from our Wiki. Please take your time to read this article.

en/events.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/26 15:01 by hellmare

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